Tuesday, April 6, 2010

signed, sealed, and delivered


we signed the final escrow documents

sealed the last box of crap to be stuffed into the storage unit

delivered the keys to the realtor to pass on to the new owners

what a relief.  i didn't think i would say that, but it's done and over with and i am relieved

we don't have to worry about extended unemployement benefits or the declining
housing market or blowing thru our limited retirement funds

now we have a new set of things to ponder.

but they are fun things

like deciding on the 5th wheel we want to buy or if we will get a chevy or gmc truck.

and silly things, like if we will be pulling into our campsite with a foot of snow on the ground.

and who will be coming to visit us while we are up there

and what animals will be hanging out in the campground

we made it through the hardest part.  making the decision to sell the house and all the upheaval that
went with it and then walking out the door for the last time. 

the rest is easy. 

this is where the real adventure begins.

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