we are starting to get ready to leave for wyoming next month.
ready both mentally and physically.
we need to come to terms with leaving aging parents and a brand new baby girl.
the truck and 5th wheel are pretty much in shape.
the list of what to take and finish up needs to be checked and crossed off.
then we get a phone call from my mom .
things aren't going well for her at my brother's house in lake havasu.
she says she wants to move.
an apartment has been found and is ready.
she just needs someone to help.
thursday, we will be heading on down to lake havasu, arizona
to pack up what little she has at my brother's house
and whatever she has in storage
and get her set up in her own place.
as i was driving to work this morning,
pondering about all that is going on right now,
not only in my life, but throughout the world,
i happened upon these happy creatures.
they were in the parking lot of where i was headed.
who am i to pass up such a great photo op?
so i took a few minutes to snap some pictures.
they were very willing to pose and smile for me.

i found myself smiling before i even got out of the car
and by the time i was finished taking pictures and getting back in the car,
i had completely forgotten about what was troubling me.
maybe, we should send this group of merry making fellows
on a long trip around the world.
they might have better luck
at instilling peace and love
the the humans are having.
i mean, come on,
who can't resist smiling
when they are looking at
a big, purple dragon butt?
it is the perfect antidote for all that is wrong in the world.
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