catch up on the dourleys.
between the sorry excuse for an internet connection
and my computer throwing tantrums
i have had no way to update this poor blog.
there is 3 months worth of pictures to work thru
so sit back and enjoy (at least i hope you enjoy anway!!)
p.s. these are in no particular date order
mom and baby moose
gros ventre river
grand teton national park
june 10, 2012
bison jumping fence
elk ranch flats
grand teton national park
july 23, 2012
ranch horses grazing next to snake river
triangle x ranch
grand teton national park
july 23, 2012
elk grazing next to ranch horses
was paying so much attention to the horses
that it took me a few minutes to notice the herd of elk behind them.
triangle x ranch
grand teton national park
july 23, 2012
jenny lake overlook
july 23, 2012
cunningham cabin
historical site
grand teton national park
june 9, 2012
view from cunningham cabin
grand teton national park
june 9, 2012
lupine meadow
grand teton national park
june 3, 2012
lupine meadows
grand teton national park
june 3, 2012
full moon
grand teton national park
may 5, 2012
full moon
may 5, 2012
view from trail to emma matilda lake
grand teton national park
june 17, 2012
had to take a picture to prove that john actually went on a hike
emma matilda lake
horses at the mormon row barns
grand teton national park
may 26, 2012
mormon row
may 26, 2012
mormon row
grand teton national park
may 26, 2012
mormon row
may 26, 2012
typical stupid visitor getting too close to the wildlife while trying to get a picture of two moose.
(hard to moose is above him to left in bushes and the other is almost even to his right)
the moose on the right was walking right at him and would not think twice about
chasing him down and hurting/killing him. what is also so stupid is that this person had a
expensive camera on a tripod which means he could have just as easily taken great
shots with his zoom lens from a safe distance. if a park ranger saw this, the visitor
would have walked away with not only a few pictures of a moose, but also a very
expensive citation. we see people do this all the time.
this mother moose had a 2 day old baby just on the other side of the bushes behind her.
she kept it hidden pretty good. we never did get to see her, but heard from quite a few
other people that had passed by other days, that the baby was out and about.
taggert lake trailhead parking lot
grand teton national park
june 4, 2012
storm clouds over oxbow bend
looking south
grand teton national park
may 26, 2012
same day
same time
standing in same spot
as above but
looking west
to mt moran
american pelican
cattleman's crossing
grand teton national park
june 4, 2012
cattleman's crossing
june 4, 2012
view of jackson lake and teton range
from signal mountain
june 9, 2012
clouds and shadows over valley
looking east
from top of signal mountain
june 9, 2012
storm clouds
grand teton national park
july 9, 2012
july 4, 2012
jackson lake
well that should be enough to hold you for a couple of days.
i have more to post.
hope it was worth the wait.
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