i love meeces to pieces.
tuesday, may 25
it has definitely been a moose day today.
it started when we got to work and found a moose in the parking lot.
we were able to snap off a couple of pictures
but later when i had to go across the street to the visitor center, i took my camera in case he was still there.
i was lucky i did.
he had moved from the parking lot to across the street at the visitor center.
i spent some time taking quite a few pictures of him. i won't bore you with all of them.
i dig his goatee.
do moose have goatees?
or moosetees?
i think he thought if he hid from me, i would go away.
to bad for him his big butt couldn't fit behind the tree
the sign needs to be changed to "moose crossing"
i think he would have walked right up to me if i hadn't moved back out of the way
i thought i was lucky to have been able to spend the time with this moose at work.
i was absolutely thrilled when we pulled up at home and saw this guy hanging out across the street.
he was just sitting there eating the bushes around him. i don't know how long he had been there before we got there, but he was there while i cooked dinner and we ate. i got another one of him when i walked by to go check the owls.
i wasn't able to get any good pictures of the baby owls, but i will post these anyway.
you have to look close, but you can see them peeking out.
as i walked back to the trailer, i was not paying much attention to my surroundings, which i know is not the smartest thing to do.
imagine my surprise when i looked up and was just about staring this guy in the eye. i had to backtrack a bit to get out of his way, and then i stalked him through the campground to get a few more pictures.
he was pretty patient with me.
again, i won't post everything, just a few.
love his furry antlers. would love to see this guy in the fall when they are full grown
it was like he was saying good bye to me before he turned around and walked away.
yeah, it was a moose day
definitely a very good day.