the last 2 weeks have been pretty easy.
the weather has improved dramatically.
we even had a couple of 70 degree days
and a few nights we didn't have to run the heaters.
on saturday, may 15 we decided to head over the teton pass to idaho falls.
we didn't think we needed a map to get there as we always hear how it is 1 1/2 hours from jackson straight over the pass.
cruised along the highway thru miles and miles of idaho potatoe farm land.
we started to get the feeling that we missed a turnoff somewhere about 1 3/4 hours into the ride.
somewhere along the way, we missed the turnoff to idaho falls and were about 40 miles north of where we needed to be.
after some shopping, we headed back the right way and found ourselves driving thru some beautiful land.
the highway runs for miles along an awesome lake/reservoir created by a dam.
we didn't get any pictures because we were running late, but next time we will definitely be stopping alot during the drive.
work is getting much easier for both of us.
we work with a bunch of really nice people and
our neighbors are all nice as well.
yesterday we had a rainy thundery kind of day and on the way home we got some great shots of the clouds
up against the tetons.
these are just as i took them with no adjustments
these were taken with out the truck window as we were driving down the road
these were taken out the door of the trailer looking over the tree tops
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