Monday, May 17, 2010

hi ho, hi ho..

it's off to work we go!!

tuesday, may 4

we had a horrible night of wyoming weather.

the temperature was below freezing with

rain that turned into snow

and a wind that was on par with the socal santa ana winds.

we were awake most of the night listening to the wind blow the snow

into the side of the trailer

and waiting for the wind to blow the trailer over.

i felt like we were in devore during one of the worst santa anas ever.

i actually laid there asking everyone i could think of to please give us a break

i talked to my sister laura, john's brother chris and aunt betty, my grandparents and

i was so desperate to survive that night, i even tried my ex-parents in law.

i figured they were all up in heaven and i was going to call on anyone & everyone

who might have connections.

we had been through so much to get here and i figured it would be typical that the trailer would

tip over and we would have to end the adventure before it even began.

anyway, we survived the night and got up to get ready for work.

we opended the door and just stared.

it was the 4th of may and we had snow!!!!

we made it the 10 miles to our job location at the park service headquarters in moose

where our warehouse is located. 

we work for the grand teton assocation and are partners with the park service.

they wasted no time putting john to work moving some boxes and unpacking/packing other boxes

and then loading completely different boxes into an old ford delivery van and going out into the

park with his coworker to deliver to our visitor centers and gift stores.

needless to say, mr john dourley did not know what hit him.

he was sore and achey in places he forgot even existed.

our first stop after work was at a small store to buy tylenol.

he used that whole bottle over the next few days.

my job is a typical desk job.

i have alot of freedom and can pace my day to keep busy until 4:30.

i am lucky that i get to walk to the post office which is about 200 yards from the office and

a couple of times a day i walk to our main office which is in another building.

the backdrop to our work location is the grand tetons on one side and a river on the other.

there is usually a moose or two at the river and i even watched  a moose walk by my manager's office

window one day.

all in all we can't complain.

it took awhile getting used to being told what to do and when to do it, but the jobs are both easy and

the work location can't be beat.

john gets out of the warehouse into the park or town most every day and i have deliveries of my own

maybe once a week.

we have figured out the routine to keep the trailer in one piece while we are away all day.

here are some pictures i took on our first day of work

on the road outside our campground looking towards the tetons and coming up on a herd of bison

looking out the truck window at the bison along the side of the road

close up - notice how he is losing his fur now that winter is over

looking towards the tetons with the storm clouds sitting on the peaks

on the ride home along the road to camp looking down to the river

i not a moose expert, but the guy on the right looks a bit like a baby

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