Sunday, July 11, 2010

everyone loves a parade

hopefully, even when it's a week late.

4th of july
like all small and big towns across america,
jackson has a big celebration on the 4th,
including a parade.

we missed the pancake breakfast in the town center park
and arrived late for the parade only getting to see the tail end
but we enjoyed the little bit we did see.

here are a few pictures of.....

 quite a few classic cars

an antique tractor

a bobblehead minibike rider

the electrical union was throwing candy to the kids

future cowboys of wyoming

beauty queens

school buses looking for school children

a country county coroner
this guy in the picture above had a group of supporters following him with signs and dogs.  one of the dogs was a saint bernard.  the lady sitting next to us decided she wanted her little white poodle to meet the big saint bernard.  while everyone on the sidelines and in the parade behind, watched her little dog and the big saint sniff noses, no one was prepared when the big dog took the little one in his mouth and would not let go.  what felt like forever, but was probably just a couple of minutes, we all watched as the owners and a few people that ran out of the crowd, tried to open the saint's mouth.  the mother on the left of us immediately covered her little boy's eyes and turned him around.  all i could think was that this was one of the horrible events you hear about on the evening news.  eventually, they were able to break them apart and the little dog was thankfully ok.   hopefully, that stupid woman thinks twice before she takes her little white poodle up to a strange dog again.

we rode a tram like this in a past post about memorial weekend

old fire engines

more future cowboys

these little guys were too cute

and at the end was the local fire department

and then came the street sweepers. 
after all the horses, they were much needed.

fireworks were set off that night at 10:00pm
it seems late, but that is when it gets dark up here.
we parked on one of the turnouts heading into town and had
a great view of the fireworks display without having to deal with the crowd.

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