Wednesday, October 20, 2010

punkin in the patch

this afternoon we went to the pumpkin patch

and found this little punkin

just waiting to be picked.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

day two of grandpa and adelyn

on the road again

saturday marked the end

to our 1st summer season

working away from home

while living in a 5th wheel trailer.

it was an adventure

i never imagined us going on in a million years.

we started out

leaving all our family and friends

and everything we have known for years,

feeling totally lost

and out of our comfort zone.

but we ended up

having an adventure of a lifetime.

we made alot of good friends

and great memories along the way.

as we pulled out of town

and watched everything

we have known for the last 6 months fall away,

we were both sad to see it end

and excited about what is to come.

we traveled out of jackson,

past palisades dam between wyoming and idaho,

into idaho falls passing miles of farmland and on to hwy 15.

we saw ancient lava beds on the side of the highway.

the snake river followed us all along the way

till we stopped for the night in eden, idaho

in a small campground on the side of the highway.

we had a view of a neighboring farm from our front door.

sunday, we got an earlier start

hoping to make it to washington by the end of the day.

on our way out of the campground,

we saw a few of the local wildlife

that we missed when we drove in the night before.

along the way,

we also saw...

the early idaho settlers

had high hopes for this area

given the names they gave to the towns.

we stayed in eden and passed turnoffs for these....

the snake continued to stalk us thru idaho

these canadian geese were heading to their next adventure also

don't think i even want to know what has been dumped here over the years

we saw way too many of these on the side of the road

then it got to a point

when we just couldn't see anything at all

because of the gazillion of these

a heavy equipment graveyard

new sound walls in boise

planes landing at boise airport look like they are going to land on the freeway

stopped at a fruitstand in fruitland, idaho

went up hills

down hills

never knowing what was on the other side

passed a ghost town of a cement plant

in lime, oregon

what can i say about this?

left the farmlands and praries of idaho and oregon

for a few miles of timber and forest in oregon

there are alot of these funny looking things on the side of the road.

i think they are some kind of satellite

hundreds of different kinds of towers are also along the highway

a self-portrait

we finally got to the oregon-washington border

which is the columbia river.

and from there it was only about 30 minutes

down the road

to the whole reason we came to washington.