Wednesday, October 26, 2011

she had a lot of firsts while we were gone

but we were there

for her first owie & bandaid.


they say you can pick your friends

but not your family.

we had a mini family reunion

on saturday, october 22.

i say mini

because only @half of us were there.

we met at a park in colton, ca

in the neighborhood my cousin lives.

except for the heat,

it turned out to be a nice day.

the cousins had not seen each other

for a few years

and it was good for my mom to see her brother.

there was alot of catching up

and reminiscing about the "good ol days"

especially the get togethers

we had at our grandparent's and aunt's houses.

we tried to take group pictures

but with the mob we had

it was a bit of a struggle.

almost comical in fact

but in the end

we battled the heat and lack of focus

and ended up with a few good shots

          the lefeuvre family reunion
               (lefeuvre was my mom's maiden name)

audrey with her grandma & grandpa

my cousins lori, larry, & lianne
we spent many summer, christmas, & easter vacations together
at our grandparent's house in los angeles

my mom, doris and sister, candy

my mom with just a very small portion of her posse.
in this picture - 2 children, 4 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren, 5 inlaws of one kind or another

my niece, april with her sweet family - mariah, aaron, arianna, andre & marcus

krystin, travis & audrey

my niece, jami with her knucklehead husband, jerry & two beautiful girls - lauren & madison

after spending a day in the park with this group
i can honestly say
 that i would choose
 each and every one of them
 as both
my family
 and my friends.


seems like just yesterday...

that we were living & working

in wyoming.

but we have been back in california

for a week now.

after getting the trailer

put in to storage,

the bike out of storage,

family in town for a reunion,

dr's appointments ,

and the various to do's...

we are finally settled in.

now time to reconnect

with family & friends

and make up for lost time

(6 months time to be exact)


Friday, October 14, 2011

looking out the backdoor

we have been at the elk refuge since saturday.

it is not the same place we stayed

when we came here in april.

instead of the back of the refuge,

we are now on the side

behind the offices and other employee houses.

there is only 4 spots here for rv's

and i think we have the best spot.

the only thing between us

and the refuge is a wire fence.

this is what we see

when we look out the window.

these were taken when we got home this afternoon.

the tetons are peeking over the hill


Thursday, October 13, 2011

bullwinkle, is that you?

bull moose
dornan's/moose junction
grand teton national park
october 4 2011   9:59am


same old, same old

we aren't doing much these last few days

except go to work and

then back home.

we have been closing out

the colter bay visitor's center

all this week.

it is one of our busiest stores

and there is alot of product

to count and box.

we are too tired to do

anything but go home & pass out.

the only pictures

i have been able to get

are sunrises & sunsets.

sunrise & clouds on the tetons
tuesday october 12 2011  7:56am

sunrise from our front door
 national elk refuge
jackson, wyoming
thursday october 13 2011 7:36am

from our front door looking toward cache canyon
national elk refuge
jackson, wy
thursday  october 13, 2011  7:37am

sunrise on the range
grand teton national park
thursday  october 13 2011  8:03am

quiet morning, clearing sky
colter bay
grand teton national park
thursday  october 12 2011   11:55am


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

splish splash

drips & drops
colter bay
grand teton national park
tuesday  october 11 2011


getting ready for winter

little squirrel, big acorn
colter bay
grand teton national park
tuesday  october 11 2011


holding out for one last trip

colter bay
grand teton national park
tuesday  october 11 2011


Monday, October 10, 2011

one of my favorite views

there are so many places

in this valley

and into the park

that are absolutely beautiful

and i don't think

it is possible to

pick just one.

but for some reason

the view

as you leave town

and drive north along

the elk refuge

and the duck ponds

before you crest the hill

into the park

is one i just love.

it is kind of peaceful

the way the clouds sit way out

over the hills,

throwing their shadows all around.

the ponds usually have a duck or two

and if you are really lucky,

a pair of trumpeter swans floating about.

the grasses change colors throughout

the season,

from brown in the winter

to an undescribable bright lime green  in spring

back to golds in the fall.

can't explain it in words

why it is so special to me,

but maybe a picture

will do.

duck pond, grasses, shadows on hills
national elk refuge
jackson, wyoming
monday  october 10, 2011

morning has broken

sunrise and clouds
on snowy tetons
grand teton national park
monday october 10, 2011


put on your huntin' cap, elmer fudd

hunting season has begun

in this part of the woods.

even though we are aware of this,

it was just a bit unnerving

to see this sign directly across from us

when we were pulling out of

the campground.


while we were packing up

to move out of gros ventre

in to town for the next week.

someone else was

moving in to gros ventre

for the winter.

there are two new badger holes

between the clothes line

and the trashbin

and the washroom.

i don't know if it is one badger

and one den with two holes

or two or more badgers with

two dens.

 all i do know

is that if we come back next year

it is going to be quite an adventure

trying to wash clothes and hang them on the line

and get my trash into the bin

without running into

the residents of these holes.


fall color in color


Thursday, October 6, 2011

wow, that was quick

 just 4 days ago

we were driving thru the park

enjoying the fall color.

today, we looked out the windows at work,

and saw this.....


first snowfall of the season
national park headquarters, moose
gros ventre campground
grand teton national park
thursday, october 6 2011
